Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Be the first in your cube farm to own a . . .
Dashboard Mohammed

Cute idea... Crude language in subpages alert.


Mercy Now said...

Funny but I wouldn't pay $22 for it, maybe $5.

Mark said...

Yeah, I haven't put my order in yet, either. :^)

kingdavid said...

Think long term. Get one now at $22.00 and put it in a lock box. Then, pass it on to your kids, and then they can pass it on. In about one hundred years, they can go on the current version of Antiques Roadshow and find out that bobbleheads are currently a hot collectible and worth about $50, especially in mint condition.

Bike Bubba said...

...and $50 will buy the equivalent of what $5 buys today, if Bernanke and the Federal Reserve get their way. :^)

I just visited and they're down to $15. Still a bargain at 1/3 the price, I dare say.

kingdavid said...

You're right of course. I have to come up with something to sell on-line and make a fortune. Over the years people have sold idiotic bobbleheads, pet rocks, beanie babies, ad nauseum. I should be able to think up something really stupid that idiots, er consumers, will eat up out there. I'm gonna work on that.

Mark said...

I almost did it. Hmmm... Maybe in next month's budget.