Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Some sense from Ann Coulter...

Regarding Senator Joe Biden's misstatements during his debate with Gov. Sarah Palin.

I think that she's right. Gov. Palin would be out in a heartbeat if she were as dense and wrong as he is.
For example, Biden said about Hezbollah: "When we kicked – along with France – we kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon." Hezbollah was never kicked out of Lebanon.

He continued: "I said and Barack said, 'Move NATO forces in there. Fill the vacuum, because if you don't, Hezbollah will control it.'" This is madness – Lebanon is not a NATO country, nor had any NATO country been attacked by Lebanon.


In one especially hallucinatory answer, Biden authoritatively stated: "With Afghanistan, facts matter, Gwen. ... We spend more money in three weeks on combat in Iraq than we spent on the entirety of the last seven years that we have been in Afghanistan building that country."

According to the Congressional Research Service, since 9/11, we've spent $172 billion in Afghanistan and $653 billion in Iraq. The most money spent in Iraq came in 2008, when we have been spending less than $3 billion a week. So by Biden's calculations, we've spent only about $9 billion "on the entirety of the last seven years that we have been in Afghanistan building that country." There isn't even a "9" in $172 billion.

'Nuf said?

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